Sports injury

Available with: Keith James,  Gareth Crankshaw, Sara Ayala, Will Adams & Camryn Cilliers
Available: Monday–Thursday (8.30am–6pm), Friday (8.30am – 5pm)

Sports injuries treat patients who have injured the muscles, bones, joints, or soft tissue areas of the body. Injuries can occur through an accident, heavy fall or blow, not warming up correctly, inappropriate equipment or pushing yourself too hard. The knees and ankles are amongst the most commonly injured but any body part can be affected.

Treatments often involve a multi-dimensional approach using physical methods that not only include manipulation but also specific treatments such as electrotherapy, massage and exercises.

Some of the conditions that we treat at Keith James Physiotherapy Clinics include:

  • Ligament sprains / tears
  • Muscle strains
  • Cartilage tears
  • Fracture rehabilitation

Please contact us for further information or to book a consultation