Sports Massage

Available with:  Claire Mincher & Sophie Kelly

Available: call (0117) 330 6820 or visit our online booking page for more information

Appointments are typically 40 or 60 minutes but 90-minute sessions can be booked upon request.

Sports Massage is a form of deep tissue massage to release, realign and re-balance the muscles and ligaments of the body, complimented with stretches and exercises.

Our specialist massage therapists are trained to manipulate and mobilise tissue to relieve pain, and discomfort or to aid you in your day-to-day activities. Massage, applied skilfully, is one of the most effective therapies for releasing muscle tension and restoring balance to the musculoskeletal system.

Having regular sessions can help athletes prevent injuries that might otherwise be caused by overuse. A constant build up of tension in the muscles from regular activity may lead to stresses on joints, ligaments and tendons, as well as the muscles themselves, which in the long term can lead to unwanted strain when carrying out sporting activities.

You can book online, over the phone or at our clinic on Coldharbour Road. Please contact us for further information or to book a consultation.